Roadmap update | Q3 2024

During the second quarter of 2024, the contributors launched Balanced on five blockchains in quick succession. They also prepared for cross-chain loans, completed a smart contract audit, and squashed bugs that came up during this period of rapid development.

Here’s what the contributors accomplished since the Q2 roadmap update:

Smart contracts

  • Deployed smart contracts on:
    • Arbitrum
    • Base
    • Optimism
  • Prepared smart contracts to deploy on Polygon
  • Completed a Solidity (EVM) smart contract audit with Hashlock
  • Worked with MoveBit to audit the Move (Sui) smart contracts
  • Unified wBTC from Arbitrum and BTCB from BNB Chain under a single BTC token
  • Made progress on the Clarity integration for Balanced and GMP contracts on Stacks
  • Reached the integration testing phase for Balanced and GMP contracts on Solana
  • Added functionality to the router contract to support Stability Fund swaps

Front-end / back-end

Quality of life and code improvements

  • Improved the handling of multi-chain tokens
  • Improved the sign-in experience
  • Fixed various decimal issues
  • Fixed a layout issue with liquidity incentives
  • Refactored the swap and bridge code
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when connected to an unsupported EVM chain
  • Added support for USDT on ICON
  • Retired BTCB transferred to ICON via ICON Bridge
  • Improved handling for trades with a high price impact
  • Added the fee APR to your liquidity pool details

Marketing initiatives

Cross-chain progress

Since the last roadmap update, Balanced has connected to five blockchains: Avalanche, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, Base, and Havah.

Cross-chain loans are up next, followed by connections to Injective, Optimism, and Polygon.

There’s a lot to catch up on, so check out this post for a recap of Balanced’s journey and a preview of where it’s going next:

The state of cross-chain on Balanced
8 weeks, 5 blockchain connections. A recap of our progress, and a preview of what’s coming next.

Governance updates

Governance slowed down just slightly over the last 3 months, with 19 proposals for bBALN holders to vote on:

DAO performance

Over the last 3 months, Balanced earned $33,018 from fees:

  • 1,640 bnUSD from loans
  • $14,569 from the Stability Fund
  • $16,809 from swaps

$4,953 of that was distributed to bBALN holders, which gives BALN a 30-day trailing APR of 1.21%.

$16,509 was used to buy and burn ICX, fulfilling Balanced’s role in the economic enshrinement.

Balanced’s income and expenses over the last 6 months.

Holdings have dropped by $105,382 since the last roadmap update, mostly due to DFP 10, which gave PARROT9 $170k to work on Balanced until the end of the year.

The amount Balanced held in the DAO Fund, Reserve Fund, and as protocol-owned liquidity compared to April 29.

15,850,924 BALN have been locked in 892 wallets. There’s a total of 7,926,118 bBALN, giving an average lock-up time of exactly 2 years.

The current bBALN stats, taken from the Vote page.

Economic enshrinement

In the five months that have passed since the economic enshrinement was enacted:

  • Balanced has burned 148,424 ICX
  • ICON has supplied ~$2.6M of liquidity for sICX, AVAX, BNB, BTC, ETH, and INJ
  • ICON has provided ~228k sICX to incentivise the Balanced Savings Rate

Keep an eye on the enshrinement stats from and the ICON enshrinement section on the Stats page.

The liquidity ICON has supplied and the ICX Balanced has burned to fulfil the enshrinement.

Savings Rate

The Savings Rate has grown steadily over the past few months. It now offers an average return of 15% per year, thanks to incentives generated through borrower interest and ICON blockchain emissions. This translates to over $9,000 in rewards each month, with 75,280 sICX and 24,190 bnUSD paid out to date.

The amount of bnUSD deposited continues to range between 750k - 970k.

The rewards available and amount of bnUSD deposited into the Savings Rate.

You can move bnUSD in and out of the Savings Rate without any waiting times, so make sure to take a look next time you’re on the Home page.

Balanced wallpapers & NFTs

The cover for this roadmap update, Burst, has been added to the collection of Balanced wallpapers.

The animated version has been added to the Balanced NFT collection, which you can view on the Balanced website:

Burst NFT | Balanced
A showcase page for the Balanced Burst NFT.

If you’d like a chance to win the Burst NFT, share a meme about Balanced or your favourite update from the roadmap on Twitter. The post with the most engagement wins, so make sure to tag @BalancedDAO to get it re-shared.

The winner will be announced in 10 days.

Plans for Q3 2024

During Q3, the contributors plan to:

  • Launch cross-chain loans
  • Launch Balanced on Injective, Optimism, and Polygon
  • Deploy smart contracts on Sui, Solana, Stacks, and Stellar
  • Complete a Solana smart contract audit with Hashlock
  • Design the interface for concentrated liquidity
  • Improve stability and address technical debt
  • Roll out a new soft liquidation feature for loans
  • Add support for more collateral types, like wstETH and weETH

If you have any questions or want to discuss these updates, start a discussion on the Balanced forum or in the Balanced Discord channel.