Balanced connects to Base

Use Balanced on Base to swap and transfer ETH and USDC between connected blockchains.

Balanced connects to Base

Balanced extends its utility for EVM chains with the addition of Base. Its fourth connection in less than a month, you can now use ETH and USDC from Base to swap and transfer cross-chain.

Learn more about Balanced’s cross-chain DeFi offering, and how you can use the Base connection.

The cross-chain DeFi hub

Balanced is home to the bnUSD stablecoin and a decentralised exchange. Built on ICON with best-in-class design, Balanced uses ICON’s cross-chain technology to connect to other blockchains. It’s simple, fast (20-60 seconds), and cheap (~$0.14 per transfer).

In addition to Base, you can use Balanced on Arbitrum, Archway, Avalanche, BNB Chain, and ICON.

Swap and transfer ETH cross-chain

You can use Balanced to swap between assets on different blockchains, and transfer crypto to a supported chain.

Balanced provides a native cross-chain experience, so your crypto remains wrapper-free. You can use ETH and USDC on Base, and bnUSD is available everywhere.

Left: The Swap tab set to swap ETH from Base to AVAX on Avalanche. Right: The Bridge tab set to transfer USDC from Base to Arbitrum.

Borrow bnUSD and supply liquidity on ICON

If you connect an ICON wallet and transfer ETH to it, you can also supply liquidity and borrow bnUSD. There’s a 0.2% fee to borrow, and your debt will increase by 2% per year.

Cross-chain loans are currently in development, so you’ll be able to deposit collateral and borrow bnUSD on Base and other connected chains soon.

The Supply tab set to supply liquidity for the ETH / bnUSD pool.
A bnUSD loan with ETH collateral.

How does the cross-chain connection work?

Balanced’s blockchain connections are powered by General Message Passing (GMP).

GMP is a cross-chain messaging service that can work with any interoperability protocol. It relays messages between connected chains, and includes multi-protocol verification to reduce dependency on a single bridge.

GMP connects to a custom relay on Base, which uses multiple relays – each managed by a separate entity – to ensure a secure connection.

GMP has one messaging standard for all cross-chain communication, so Balanced can take advantage of every chain it connects to.

Injective, Optimism, Solana, Sui, Stacks, Stellar, and more. All coming soon.

Swap and transfer cross-chain on Balanced

Ready to swap and transfer crypto between Base, Arbitrum, Archway, Avalanche, BNB Chain, and ICON?

Visit and sign in with your favourite wallet.

To learn more about Balanced, check out the website, read the docs, or join the Balanced community on Discord.